Friday, 10 December 2010

long time no see!!!

my first attempt at a blog is not going too well hehe, must remember to actually post but I'mgoing to be good from now one, promise =) it'll give me something to do when i'm sick of writing my dissertation. I thought I would do a haircare post and show you some of the things that i've been loving atm

As I'm currently in the process of growing my hair, I decided to try out a product that would supposedly help speed up the growing process and that is the 'Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment'.

It is basically a cream that you massage into your hair after shampooing, leave for 5 minutes and then rinse out following with your usual conditioner. It smells gorgeous but once you rinse it out it doesn't actually feel like you have done anything to your hair. It claims to work by stimulating your hair follicles and helping them to grow faster using a protein based complex.I was a bit dubious about this product but I had read a lot of great reviews on the boots website about it so I decided to give it a try and I'm so glad I did!!I've used it for about a month now three times a week and it has made my hair feel thicker and I would say it has definitely made it grow as I've had to cut my fringe twice this month. I would definitely recommend it and you can save £2 using a voucher in boots atm so get there quick.

Next up is the best hair mask I have ever used!The John Freida Frizz Ease Miraculous Recovery Pot Strengthening Creme Masque (quite a mouthful!) put simply is amazing. You can feel the difference in your hair straight and it will forever be my daily conditioner. Use by leaving on hair for a minute but for a special treat wrap your hair for twenty minutes before rinsing. Definite must buy!!

Other favourites include the Charles Worthington Dream Hair Liberate the Lustre Shine Spritz which I tend use when I want to tame flyaways without weighing my hair down. It is light, serves its purpose and smells delicious!

Finally is the Body Shop Coconut Oil Hair shine. This is a wax which I use after straightening to tame any stray hairs and add shine and glossiness to my hair and is only £5
Coconut Oil Hair Shine - Hair Styling
On a tangent I've just purchased Topshop Gypsy night nail polish and I love it!!hehe

Hope you liked this post, take care lovelies Dima xxx

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

As I do not have a camera at the moment, I thought I might as well start with an in/out post. I love reading these on other people's blogs so let's give it a bash!


Things that are currently in for me at the moment are:

  • Primark jewellery- I've always been quick to dismiss primark jewellery as being cheap and a bit naff really but recently I've been finding some really nice rings and necklaces there with my favourite being an adorable diamond bear necklace.
  • Autumn- Im so glad that the weather is changing and settling down to be more cooler. Autumn is my favourite time of the year for dressing as the clothes are more structured and you can layer!
  • Tea-With colder weather comes warm comfort food but especially tea. Love the stuff! I like mine with a dash of skimmed milk and no sugars if you're wondering =)

Things that are out are;
  • Uni assignments- I'm feeling so overwhelmed with the workload this year and I've not even properly started. Plus I've got a dissertation to hand in this year which I'm not looking forward to!
  • Exercising-In the summer I was so good with my routine and even managed to squeeze in a 10k marathon but now I'm back at uni the motivation has gone. I have Wednesdays off soI'm hoping to go for a run every week but I'll let you know how that goes =)
On another note, I'm getting my camera tomorrow so let me know in the comments what you think my first proper post should be.I'm thinking maybe a whats in my bag tag?

Anyways, take care dolls. Love Dima xxx

Sunday, 26 September 2010


can't believe i have followers already and i've not even posted anything!i know they're only three but it's a start so thank you!i can't really post anything decent until i've bought a camera so i may pop into town tomorrow after uni and treat myself.

Saturday, 25 September 2010


hi there! my name's Dima and this is going to be my little corner where I can babble about mainly make up, bit of health, maybe fashion and general girly stuff. hope you enjoy it and look forward to posting more in the future xxx