Tuesday, 5 October 2010

As I do not have a camera at the moment, I thought I might as well start with an in/out post. I love reading these on other people's blogs so let's give it a bash!


Things that are currently in for me at the moment are:

  • Primark jewellery- I've always been quick to dismiss primark jewellery as being cheap and a bit naff really but recently I've been finding some really nice rings and necklaces there with my favourite being an adorable diamond bear necklace.
  • Autumn- Im so glad that the weather is changing and settling down to be more cooler. Autumn is my favourite time of the year for dressing as the clothes are more structured and you can layer!
  • Tea-With colder weather comes warm comfort food but especially tea. Love the stuff! I like mine with a dash of skimmed milk and no sugars if you're wondering =)

Things that are out are;
  • Uni assignments- I'm feeling so overwhelmed with the workload this year and I've not even properly started. Plus I've got a dissertation to hand in this year which I'm not looking forward to!
  • Exercising-In the summer I was so good with my routine and even managed to squeeze in a 10k marathon but now I'm back at uni the motivation has gone. I have Wednesdays off soI'm hoping to go for a run every week but I'll let you know how that goes =)
On another note, I'm getting my camera tomorrow so let me know in the comments what you think my first proper post should be.I'm thinking maybe a whats in my bag tag?

Anyways, take care dolls. Love Dima xxx


  1. Totally agree! Primark jewellery rules cos you can afford to buy loads of different pieces to go with pretty much every outfit and tea has gotta be the best thing ever. particularly when served with a nice bar of chocolate :)

    I've been the same when it comes to exercising - I was running every other day and going to a gym a few times a week but when it's freezing cold out and you know there's something decent on tv it's hard to find the motivation!

    I reckon a whats in my bag post would be a great start. though that's just cos I'm seriously nosy :)


  2. Hi!
    I just followed your blog :)
    I love primark jewellery too and when my mum when to england this summer she got me a bunch of necklace and bracelets for really cheap and they are really pretty!

    I hope you can have a look at my blog :)


  3. ahh im not gonna have a camera for a while soon =(
    as for primark, next time you go, check out the makeup, they do a great Urban Decay dupe, check my blog for pics! and its decent quality aswell!

  4. Tea + dunking bourbon biscuits = ♥


  5. Tea is definitely in for me as well, come to think of it tea is always in for me :)


  6. What a cute blog, following....Here is my blog for whenever you are feeling like stoppin by. If you do, dont forget to join the prizegiveaway contest. Only 3 days left!!!http://beauty-is-within.blogspot.com/
